I haven't taken any senior pictures in a little while, but I jumped right back in a couple weeks ago with not just one session, but two! In the same day! At the same time! ....They're twins. ;) We had a lot of plans, picture ideas, outfit ideas that we wanted to capture all in one evening. It was a dash from place to place a bit, but I had a lot of fun with it and I think they did too! Peyton and Paige were very well prepared with outfits in tow and a whole entourage to help carry things, stand in the way of funky lights streaming through bookshelves I didn't want, adjust hair, hold reflectors. I thought, dang! I need a whole team like this whenever I have a photo shoot. From precious little preemies to high school seniors. These girls have been so prayed for and so loved their whole lives through! Pictures are very important to them, so I was honored to help document the beginning of this new chapter. Happy senior year, girls! Hope it's the best one yet.